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Sunday, May 31, 2009

MARS 295: Dual GeForce GTX 285 With 4GB of Graphics Memory

ASUS will release a new graphics card made with two G200-350-B3 GPUs. This GPU is one that is behind the GeForce GTX 285. ASUS new card will be called MARS 295 Limited Edition and will be an official GTX 295 (same device ID):

Each MARS 295 GPU will have access to 2Gb of graphics memory (512-bit GDDR3) giving us a total of 4GB. Cool to process HD video in realtime (video jockeys, this is your card)!

And here is what happens when a hardcore overclocker (kinc) can touch the ASUS 295:

Notice the two power supply units…

More At:http://www.techpowerup.com/95445/ASUS_Designes_Own_Monster_Dual-GTX_285_4_GB_Graphics_Card.html

Hyperfocal VHDRI Skies

Hyperfocal Design has released the Very High Dynamic Range Skies collection. The panoramas in VHDRI Skies weigh in at a huge 14,000 x 7,000 pixels with super high dynamic range - up to 17 stops. Read on for more.


From the press release:
Chris Nichols, author of Global Illumination: Exteriors and Interiors from Gnomon Workshop says, "These VHDRIs by Hyperfocal Design are different from most HDRI libraries in that they are created with a very high dynamic range exposure which is ideal for really accurate lighting."

Chris was also kind enough to provide Hyperfocal customers with an expert overview and tutorial using the new VHDRIs in Vray and 3DS Max.

VHDRI Skies is available at Hyperfocal's VMstore either as a physical or downloadable product, and retails for $297 USD.

For more information, visit the website at www.hyperfocaldesign.com/vhdri-skies

From The Hoop & Glowfrog at 3ds London this Wednesday

3ds Max London Users Group Meeting
This Wednesday 3rd June

Upstairs at The Black Horse Pub in Central London
6 Rathbone Place, London W1T 1HL

18:30 Doors Open
19:00 Intro and Announcements. Following times approx.
19:15 Show and Tell. Bring some work along!

19:30 Nigel Hunt is the director of Glowfrog Studios, a London-based boutique production studio. They have successfully been using 3ds Max for over ten years, producing high quality CGI, animations and film for real estate, television and advertising clients. Nigel will be talking about the studio and describing some of their recent work.

20:00 Remi Dessinges, Guillaume Fesquet and Anthony Arnoux made the superb short From The Hoop, their graduation movie from Supinfocom Arles. It made the front page here on cgtalk, they'll be showing us how they did it!

20:30 Wrap up.

All welcome, come along for a drink, Simon